Due to circumstances beyond their control, the York University Community Workshop originally scheduled for November 10, 2011 at 6pm has unfortunately been cancelled.
Recent Posts
Saturday, November 5, 2011
York University community consultation cancelled
Thursday, October 20, 2011
October Update: Time for a New Approach
Hi everyone,
While it has been a while since our last update, there has been a lot of activity behind the scenes on the Quarry Lands file in recent months. Results have been mixed.
Since the summer and into the fall, Build Toronto and City representatives on one hand and the private developer The Conservatory Group on the other have had discussions over their respective parcels of lands on the 49-acre site.
Specifically, the parties were looking into the possibility of a land swap that would have seen The Conservatory Group gain development rights on a parcel of land currently held by Build Toronto near the Scarborough Town Centre. In return, Build Toronto would have assumed control over virtually the full Quarry Lands site. If successful, this approach would have allowed for much greater public say over the Quarry Lands and a development more in keeping with sound planning principles and the broader wishes of the community.
This week, those discussions concluded unsuccessfully and without agreement. We do not believe it is likely that a similar opportunity will present itself in the near future.
So, despite what we believe to have been sincere efforts on the parts of the City and Build Toronto, this much has not changed: Our predominately single-family home neighbourhood is still faced with the prospect of a roundly criticized, wildly inappropriate, 1960s-era seven-tower high-rise development in our midst -- a concept that flies in the face of the best judgement of every expert and every planner and every elected official we’ve ever heard from, and most certainly every area resident even remotely interested in the future of the place they call home.
That’s what gives us confidence this development will be stopped.
As a community, and for our elected representatives at all three levels of government, it is time to regroup and consider next steps. CCQLD will be meeting with Councillor Gary Crawford in coming days to discuss options, and to reiterate our message that this is an issue of city-building that requires even greater leadership from City Hall. Member of Provincial Parliament Lorenzo Berardinetti made the Quarry Lands one of his key planks in the provincial election; we will be holding him to his word as well.
On the positive side, we are strongly encouraged about the development direction being taken by Build Toronto on city-owned lands on the Quarry site. We have been told by Build that they will be ready to make a public presentation of their plans to the community in January. This could potentially take place at our 2012 Annual General Meeting, so stay tuned on that front.
Above all, we believe the solution rests with our community. We had more than 1,000 people at a rally in April 2010 – an impressive start, yes, but a small fraction of all those who live here. There soon may be a time to come together again in far greater numbers.
Thanks as always for your support. We’ll be back in touch shortly.
CCQLD Board of Directors
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
June 2011 Quarry Lands Update
It has been a long time since our last update. The news around the Quarry Lands in recent months is decidedly mixed. A few key points:
1) Developments at a recent hearing of the Ontario Municipal Board May 26 confirm our opinion that City planning staff either cannot or will not use the OMB forum to act on behalf of the community’s best interest and defeat the proposed development. There is little positive news emerging out of the OMB process and we have no reason to believe that will change. Issues before the OMB at this point are largely to deal with minor zoning and site plan changes; the OMB has, in effect, already given its approval to the general idea of Gerrard Clonmore Development's high rise plans. That said, the OMB is far from the only leverage point the community has to express its opinion and drive change and common sense planning around this issue.
2) Members of the CCQLD board met earlier this month with officials from the provincial Ministry of the Environment and staff from MPP Lorenzo Berardinetti’s office. We stressed the critical importance of public input into the Record of Site Condition process, which must be undertaken separately by both Build Toronto (ie. the City) and GCD before any approvals are granted. This process will take many months, as neither the City nor GCD have filed necessary documentation with the Ministry.
3) We are in regular contact with our elected representatives from all three levels of government. Councillor Gary Crawford and newly elected Scarborough Southwest MP Dan Harris attended CCQLD’s May board of directors meeting. MPP Lorenzo Berardinetti has also said he understands the importance of this issue to the community – and on that note, we expect the Quarry Lands to be an issue again during the provincial election campaign this fall. Overall, while ongoing discussion have not been able to produce substantial results to date, it’s up to our entire community to continue to put pressure on our elected officials, wherever and whenever we can, to achieve a sensible result.
4) There has been no meeting of Build Toronto, City planning officials, elected representatives and members of the CCQLD Board of Directors for well over a year. We are working to make this happen as soon as possible. Since the last such meeting, we have a new city councillor (Gary Crawford), a new key contact at Build Toronto (Prakesh David), a new head of Scarborough planning (Raymond David) and of course a new Mayor (Rob Ford). These parties need to have a united front and a vision for how we can and must all do better, based on a common interest in strong city-building. Give them a call and let them know how you feel.
5) The Quarry Lands issue remains, at its heart, an issue of city-building. When area residents, local elected representatives from all three levels of government, city planners and outside experts agree that this development is an inappropriate land use from the 1960s that doesn’t make sense for the community and defies all reasonable planning principles, shame on all those in positions of power if they collectively let it happen. Healthy, vibrant communities are not built this way.
6) There is still time to find a solution. With environmental and other necessary approvals, even in a worst-case scenario, we’re still several years from ground being turned. That said, the clock is ticking and we all need to raise the level of our game.
Back in touch soon,
CCQLD Board of Directors
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Thanks to outgoing MP Michelle Simson
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
MPP Lorenzo Berardinetti speaks out on Quarry
Hi everyone,
A quick update: Members of the CCQLD Board met on April 5 with Scarborough Southwest MPP Lorenzo Berardinetti regarding the Quarry Lands and environmental considerations around the quarry site.
Mr. Berardinetti recently made a statement in the provincial legislature pledging to do everything in his power to stop the proposed high rise tower development and expressing his support for the aims of CCQLD. See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UioL2lIp6Y
As brownfield regulations are controlled by the provincial Ministry of the Environment, and given that there remain serious environmental issues associated with the potential development and ongoing monitoring of this site, we are pleased Mr. Berardinetti is now engaged in this fight.
We’ll keep you posted of ongoing developments.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Rally against OMB - Monday March 28, Queen's Park

Hi everyone,
Friday, February 25, 2011
Positive news re. Build Toronto and Quarry Lands
We're pleased to report positive news on the Build Toronto front.
Members of the CCQLD Board met Feb. 24 with Build Toronto COO Derek Ballantyne and other agency staff overseeing city-owned property on the Quarry Lands site. In contrast to earlier indications, we are now extremely encouraged with the direction and approach that Build Toronto is taking.
While plans are not complete, we were assured that Build Toronto has no designs for high rise or high density development on its property. Current thinking calls for a a mix of low rise / town-home style housing, with park space, and commercial / retail development integrated appropriately into the site towards the northwest corner. Again, this would not be a high rise development in any way. In our estimation, the preliminary ideas that were shown would be consistent with the character of the surrounding community.
We stressed the importance of Build Toronto communicating its plans directly to area residents and the need for residents to provide broad-based feedback. To this end, Mr. Ballantyne promised that Build would present its ideas at a public community meeting this spring. We will let everyone know as soon as a date is set, likely sometime in late April or May. We also reiterated our concerns regarding the environmental sensitivity of the site. An environmental risk assessment will have to be done in conjunction with any development plans, and CCQLD will be watching closely and participating in the process to the fullest possible extent.
Overall, our ultimate goal remains the same: to ensure a coherent, responsible development over the entire 49-acre site that fits with the surrounding neighbourhood. While Gerrard Clonmore Developments and the City continue hearings over a site plan application and by-law amendments at the Ontario Municipal Board, we remain hopeful and optimistic that a better solution can be found -- one that links Build Toronto and GCD lands under an appropriate, environmentally-friendly, pedestrian-friendly design. Build Toronto did indicate they would be contacting GCD in the near future to continue discussions.
We will keep you posted as we learn of any new developments. In the meantime, though, please keep those 2011 membership renewals coming (and thanks to those who renewed at our Annual General Meeting in January). Membership in CCQLD is just $10, helps cover assorted costs is a strong investment in the future of our community. Cheques made out to 'Concerned Citizens of Quarry Lands Development' can be mailed to W. Longley, 63 Woodland Park Road, M1N 2X5.
Lawn signs are also available for $10; if you send the money and make a request when renewing membership we'll drop off the sign within a few days.
Thanks as always for your support,
Board of Directors,
Concerned Citizens of Quarry Lands Development